“Thank you Melody and Turquoise!! Very awesome topics to present awareness of Indigenous Historical and Intergenerational Trauma. It is very sad and disturbing to hear but necessary for awareness.”
“Really touched topics that no one in tribal communities likes to talk about, trauma/affects of alcohol, abuse, not being affectionate. Overall, very well spoken, excellent presentation.”
Stay connected
Add us on Instagram @IndigenousCC

We had so much fun today! Make sure you check out our presentation and live Q&A. Link in bio. Thank you @nabifoundation for giving us the opportunity to share our passion! #indigenous #youth #identity #nativeamerican #natice #resilience #resist #nabi #virtualconference #fun #passion #indigenousidentity @melo3134 @turquoiseskye @lrlewis2

Join us for NABI Virtual Education Youth Summit -> Swipe for line up and schedule. We are so honored to participate in this event. We are sending continued love and prayers to you, your family, and community. #nabi #indigenous #youth #native #nativeamerican #workforce #education #socialenterprise #fun @nabifoundation

Cats out the bag! We are presenting at the @nabifoundation educational youth summit. Make sure you visit NABI webpage for more details. ❤️🙃😎🤓

Success! 👏🏽 So happy to help with and present for the Fort Mojave Voc Rehab Virtual Youth Career Conference 🤗🤗 Dream, Believe, Achieve!
Youth!! Remember to do the Instagram story activity to win something from @ntvsclothing, the book there, there by Tommy orange and a beaded pop socket by @konawvdesigns 😱😱😱
#indigenous #youth #future #virtualconference #indigenousentrepreneurs #presenters #identity #indigenousidentity #revitalizetheindigenousperspective #decolonize #youthdevelopment #nativeyouth

Standing in solidarity with our black brothers and sisters as they continue to experience such extreme racism and injustice. As allies, we can’t stay silent. We are in this together ✊🏽💪🏽 #blacklivesmatter #justiceforahmaud #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justice #allyship #poc #racismisreal #standinsolidarity

#buyindigenous #thankyou #indigenousartist #arizona #stickers #prints #art @polisi_mae @stillshelives @artbytamarah @sockmonkey2011 #fun #indigenous #withgratitude

Scroll —> May 5 is a day to remember missing and murdered Indigenous Women. A few of our favorites. Image 1 Courtesy of Urban Indian Health Institute. Image 2 CSVANW. Image 3 @reclaimyourpower Image 4 @lacreations321 #mmiw #may #fifth #🙏🏽

#maythe4thbewithyou #repost #favorite #artists #indigenousartist #hopi #princessleia #stormtrooper @reclaim_designz @ntvsclothing #mynextpurchase

Thank You FAMILY and FRIENDS!! This has been quite the adventure. I am so grateful for you with your big hearts during this unprecedented times!!! I am overwhelmed by your selflessness and desire to give back to Indigenous Communities. We launched this effort 1 week ago as a result of a simple call-to-action from my dear friends Aundrea Hills and Darci Lynn Ludington.
When we began this operation, we simply wanted to help native communities that had less access to critical supplies. And can’t thank you enough for the support.
A very special thank you to the community organizers, connectors, and on-the-ground individuals working in the Navajo and Hopi communities for your willingness to join forces and collaborate! Darci Lynn Ludington, Aundrea Hills, Christopher Billey and Tammie Billey, NABIFoundation, IndigeDesign Collab , Robin Fisher, Timisa Jones, aaron Allery James Tree Kyle Mitchell, Verrin Kewenvoyouma Another massive thank you to all individual donors who gave in a time of need in the Native communities.
All donations have been delivered to the Hopi and Navajo Nation. We will continue to find ways to support the communities in need. Please let me know if we can help in any way. Stay Safe! Sending Hugs and Prayers!!

#donations #please #hopi #navajo
I don’t know where to begin, So I might be a little long winded…bear with me.
Due to recent impacts by COVID 19 it has caused us to reassess and figure out how to navigate through the unknown. It has pushed us into a corner to face many questions on the direction of our business. I know my story is the reality to many other entrepreneurs and small businesses. This has put us on an emotional rollercoaster. This week I received a few small requests, “Can you help me get supplies to members of the Navajo Nation?” I want to personally thank @theofficialdarcigirl Aundrea Hills, and @chrisbilley …your simple, humble call-to-action has refueled us. It has propelled us to get out of this mental rut and get back to things We value…Collaboration, Community, and Connecting! So thank you for the amazing things you are doing!
In the post lists items that are critical needs for both communities. If you are able to, please consider donating; I am working alongside 1. @nabifoundation 2. Chris and @tammiebilley and 3. @indigedesigncollab to deliver the donated items to HOPI TRIBE and NAVAJO NATION.
We are accepting Monetary donations for a bulk purchase Please feel free to inbox me if you have questions or want to help in any way!
I want to thank the countless individuals who have given donations and have connected me to the communities.
Pleas know that We are thinking about you always. Sending you prayers and love.